Junk Removal Alhambra CA



Mattress Disposal

Although it probably was one of the more expensive purchases in your life, and also one of the biggest items in your house, your mattress may still need to be upgraded. And then when you get your new mattress, what do you do with your old one? It definitely is not easy to move, especially by oneself. And then if you are able to move it, where do you leave it? This along with other questions will definitely arise as you make a nice improvement to your belongings and then need to remove your old ones. This is where we come in. Do not hesitate to get a nice update for your space, especially for a reason related to not knowing how to dispose of the old item like your mattress. AW Alhambra Junk Removal in Alhambra, CA will take care of that for you. Just give us a ring and we will haul off that large old mattress out of your way so you can get that needed and earned enhancement.

Mattress left out on the street

Recycling and Reuse

There are all sorts of reasons that may lead to you getting rid of your current mattress. When it gets hot in your room, sweat stains from your body can seep through into the linens of the mattress and adversely affect it. Some are built better than others, so the cheaper models may just deteriorate over time. We do spend quite a lot of time on our mattress so it makes sense that we will eventually need to replace them. When that time inevitably comes, please reach out to us so we can help remove and haul out that old mattress.

There are a lot of different types of mattresses, so depending on the materials and other parts that make up the mattress, there may be different ways that it can be disposed of or recycled. A lot of what is within the mattress can be reused or repurposed which is why we work with local experts who can assist with that. Recycling can also be done with many parts of it. We will manage everything for you and dispose of it properly to have a positive impact on our environment. Your junk can even turn into a donation and possibly help another person by recovering some pieces of it and handling it as best it can be.

Donations and Contributions

We always check all the items we pick up before we take it to the dump, because there is just about always something that we take from your junk that can either be recycled or reused. We are currently working with a few local charities and organizations that are usually able to find new homes for some of these older items that get thrown out. Or at least some portions or components of the items. And a lot of these items can go a long way in helping out those in need. So us at Alhambra Junk Removal will help you out by removing all your junk, and at the same time you could be helping someone else as well.

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